Since I made the claim to them that they're slanted towards non-custodial mothers and feel that ignoring me by not responding to it, well.
The rule that "silence is agreement" makes that true.
Since I made the claim to them that they're slanted towards non-custodial mothers and feel that ignoring me by not responding to it, well.
The rule that "silence is agreement" makes that true.
The video of Cora admitting to her physical abuse is still in my possession.
If Quanada feminist feel froggy about anything that's posted here, I'll be more than happy to expose their precious little darling.
Keep in mind also that she's in contempt of court and the State Douche Bag Disbursement Unit as no problem with her being a
That's how much my wonderful city and its legal system payed as a settlement to the Lovelace family for violating their civil rights.
Law enforcement and the court system are to be questioned at all times from that point on.
Just Keep Reading.
They focus on her privacy and not my sons well being.
Feminism drives the SDU.
Misandry is at an all time high!
The feminist are foaming at the mouth.
Since I'm disabled, I will not have to pay child support.
I'm going to make kids that the system will have to take care of now since the state favors non-custodial mothers.
$50,000 will keep this from happening.
Since she's a deadbeat, I threw the parenting agreement out the window.
She'll get the worst treatment if she or her meth lab relatives come on my property.
Video surveillance and telephone logs are alive and well.
The Lovelace v. Gibson civil rights violating assholes will have a new outlook on life as well if they decide to come by.
The Office of Inspector General each year performs thousands of activities including:
fraud prevention research
financial audits
quality of care reviews
Medicaid eligibility reviews
investigations of employees and contractors
welfare fraud investigations
safety monitoring
special projects aimed at identifying and solving specific problems.
The activities lead, in some cases, to sanctions against Medicaid providers, recovery of overpayments from Medicaid providers, criminal action against Medicaid providers and public aid clients, restriction of recipients who abuse Medicaid privileges, development of new fraud initiatives and improved security for employees and visitors to government buildings.
Although the OIG will never be able to target every single Medicaid service and welfare transaction, it has been committed to ensuring that each transaction does have the potential of closer scrutiny. More vigilance by the OIG breeds more awareness on the public's part to do the right thing in any transaction involving public monies. That public awareness strengthens the OIG's prevention efforts, which are the first line of defense against fraud and abuse.
Through its multi-faceted activities and initiatives, the OIG has significantly raised the bar so more providers and more recipients may have contact with the OIG. The contacts include:
reviews of financial records
inspections of providers and recipients' medical records
on-site provider visits & visits to recipients' homes
telephone calls, letters and face-to-face interviews.
In a single year using a variety of program integrity approaches from record analyses to direct contacts, the OIG examined the activities of more than 8,000 individual Medicaid providers and more than 10,000 individual recipients.
The enhanced monitoring and increased detection mean that vigilance is a reality and scrutiny is always a possibility for every provider and recipient.
For more information on specific initiatives, please refer to OIG Annual Reports.
Go here to file an actual complaint
What leads you to believe that quality people will actually find any true qualities in you?
You can only hide what you actually are inside for only so long until your character reveals itself.
The game that you play actually has an ending.
Most people don't care about anything unless it benefits them to care.
I stick to my own back yard until something unwelcome comes in and I have to chase it down and bite its fucking head off.
I think the Disciplinary Commission might help me get someones attention.
Oh, They just sent me $170. They claimed it was child support.
Here is what she owes sean.
$5,000 in back support obligations
$2,000 in my legal obligations to him so we could get rid of the toxic elements that she consciously attaches herself to.
$648 for the last 3 months of support for sean.
Total $7,648
She is in contempt of court and she also has a face made for radio entertainment.
If she uses the money from a child tax credit, that will make things interesting for her.
Seriously, does she think that she's hurting me by not living up to her obligation. One of the few things that it accomplished was getti...