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Saturday, November 11, 2023

Sentimental Street

Shredding the Deadbeats memories forever...

I will destroy the rest of her memories if she keeps this deadbeat shit going... 

Also, feminist can go skydive naked though a hurricane so they can fuck some serious wind if this troubles them...


Sunday, November 5, 2023

"I Thought I would Get More Money" Modern Woman Gets A DIVORCE Only To I...

Note from DHS/ FHS


While we understand your frustration at the fact she refuses to maintain gainful employment nor make voluntary payments when an employer does not withhold from her wages, we respectfully request that you focus on the issue at hand.

Illinois governors are "elected" by voters throughout the State. Child Support workers, specifically those who respond to these emails, are State employees doing their jobs. Much of our actions are automated. Actions such as daily searches for employers, monitoring banks accounts associated with her Social Security Number, and suspending her driver's license require no human intervention  (FEMINIST BIASED PROGRAMMER).

While many believe that a lack of payments is indicative of a lack of effort on our part, this is not the case. Simply put, if she would get a real job and take responsibility for those payments, you would be receiving them. Additionally, some believe that our enforcement actions are skewed to be more lenient towards non-custodial mothers. As previously stated, enforcement actions are computer-automated (FEMINIST BIASED PROGRAMMER) and take place when the case meets criteria.

Unfortunately, our enforcement actions do not guarantee payments. If she decides to work for unreported income, drive on a suspended license, and never put money in a bank account, enforcement becomes much more difficult.

You may also find answers to your questions by visiting our website at and viewing the frequently asked questions (FAQs).


Client Services Unit
Division of Child Support Services
Healthcare and Family Services


(735 ILCS 110/) Citizen Participation Act.

Illinois Anti-SLAPP

Friday, November 3, 2023

They mysteriously found cora newbold.

All of the sudden!
Thank you for your inquiry

Please disregard that notice. A new address was located for the 
non-custodial parent on 11/1/23.
We hope this response addresses your concerns. You may 
also find answers to your questions by visiting our 
website at and viewing the frequently asked questions (FAQs).


Client Services Unit
Division of Child Support Services
Healthcare and Family Services

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:00 PM
To: HFS.ChildSupportHelp <>
HFS.DCSSCustService <>
Subject: Online Services Inquiry

  ---------- Reporter Information ------------

  Reporter's First Name: SEAN

  Reporter's Last Name: HEEGER

  Reporter's RIN: 146543954

  Docket / FIPS:


  Custodial Parent:

  Non-Custodial Parent:

  ---------- Inquiry by User (User Provided) ------------

  Inquiry: the last mailing of the case closure was postmarked on 10 27 23the
 date of the actual letter states that it was composed on10 21 23

thank you for your kind attention.

good luck.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

What else?

 It is going to be interesting to see what this investigator with DHS comes up with.

Thank you for your inquiry and notifying Child Support Services of the letter you received.

Your case is now in an inquiry review and has been assigned for a worker to review your case. If needed, a worker may call you to ask additional questions. Once the inquiry is complete, you will receive a detailed letter explaining your case.

Again, thank you for brining this to our attention.

For additional information, visit  to review Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  You may experience a delay in the receipt of important Child Support Services mail.  We appreciate your patience as we diligently attempt to resolve the issue.  For questions or additional details, please contact the Child Support Services Call Center at 800.447.4278.


Customer Service Unit
Child Support Services
Healthcare and Family Services

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 8:28 AM
To: HFS.ChildSupportHelp <>; HFS.DCSSCustService <>
Subject: Online Services Inquiry

  ---------- Reporter Information ------------

  Reporter's First Name: SEAN

  Reporter's Last Name: HEEGER

  Reporter's RIN: 146543954


  Docket / FIPS:


  Custodial Parent:

  Non-Custodial Parent:

  ---------- Inquiry by User (User Provided) ------------

  Inquiry: still wondering why i have a paper from you stating that cora newbold is living with my son and i

drinking while asleep