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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Proof that she hurt our son.

This was from Christmas eve 2 years ago. She apparently lost control of her emotions as she did with me by kicking me in the gut.  

Unless your miracle eye needs a new battery, you'll see that he has a red mark on both his back and one on his neck.

Talking to child protective services did no good since they are a leftist, feminist embattled group here in Illinois.

It's a good thing that I have demons in the parenting agreement. This abuse was from a woman that stated that if she knew then what she knows now that she would have had an abortion.

With that, Sean will get to visit his moms family when their tombstones are in place.

Her false claims of Domestic abuse.

It's simple.

You need the following: Female nature, character defects and personality disorders, Issues with that females father and a rotten upbringing. All a proven recipe for a cluster B personality.


You'll also need an enabling legal system which has just recently (August 30th, 2022) been sued for 4.5 million dollars (Lovelace v. Gibson) for civil rights violations in Adams County, Illinois.


drinking while asleep