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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Baby Trapping Whores

 On top of the fact that Kathryn Davis (Angie Brown) and Cora Newbold both have daddy issues, they both Baby Trap men in order for the men not to leave them. Kathryn Davis cheated on her ex and was left in LaGrange, Mo. Afterwhich she hooked up with a man, who she felt that his family was well off. 

Then she allowed herself to get pregnant by him. Which was a disaster for her. He continued to have sex with other women while she was still in his house lol.



Saturday, June 12, 2021

About seans birth injury (to induce autism)


In looking over my medical records and comparing them, I’ve noticed that the Urine sample to confirm the suspicion of pre-eclampsia was ordered on October 22, 2012. According to Blessing Hospital, I was admitted to the Emergency room on October 23, 2012 where I took a Urine sample and my blood pressure was at a calm 132 over 74 and I was within my weight limit at 38 weeks of 184lbs. I was confirmed to have a Urinary Tract Infection where I was treated and then discharged on on October 24, 2012 (meaning I checked in later at night).

From the information gathered from Blessing’s Records my total labor lasted 23hours, being that I was instructed to be induced as soon as I walked into SIU, I estimate it was the afternoon of the 24th that I was induced.

The claim was made that I gave half the sample but the test came back with twice the protein. Seeing this information doesn’t surprise me, considering I had a full blown tract infection at >100,000 CMF/ML of bacteria at the time that I gave the sample. The fact that the results came back with protein levels at 810 at 974ml Tract infections are also known to cause elevations in blood pressure in pregnancies, I hadn’t even taken a full 24hr dosage of anti-biotics before their first decision was to induce. They based that test off a corrupted sample. All the bacteria from the infection was put into that cup confirming “pre-eclampsia”. This may seem like an association with the pre-eclampsia, however, I’m afraid that Tract infections are a common place thing for me. Particularly after sexual relations and have nothing to actually do with circulatory system being messed up, but more of a matter of bacterial infection. So the pattern of UTIs didn’t change during pregnancy but people’s interpretation of their meaning obviously did.

I don’t think I was induced under the right circumstances and I think our son paid the price for a quick decision that was based on a corrupted sample. Any other Doctor would have waited at least 24 hours for anti-biotics to take a clean sample to make sure no bacteria, or considerably less bacteria, contaminated the sample and in that time they could have kept me in the hospital just in case.

-Cora Newbold

drinking while asleep